

2016-01-11 15:18




  Pathways to Research: Problem-solving

  1 Pittsburgh’s many hills aren’t kind to bikers. Anyone hoping to pedal to work there has to contend with steep streets like Canton Avenue, which famously climbs at a nearly 40-degree angle. As a result, some residents avoid biking altogether.

  2 But University of Pittsburgh graduate Micah Toll, 23, and a few friends recently launched an invention that they hope will increase the city’s pedal power. An electric bike called a Pulse PEVO. A super-strong battery powers daunting (令人却步的) hills. Toll hopes it will persuade people in Pittsburgh and elsewhere to get out of their cars and onto bikes.

  3 If it sound like Toll has a knack (窍门) for fixing problems, that’s because he does. In high school, he designed a new type of construction beam. It weighs no more than a feather pillow but can be used to build sturdy (坚固的) homes for refugees fleeing war or natural disaster. For his work, Toll was invited to attend the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) —twice, in 2006 and 2007. The annual competition for young researchers is a program of Society for Science & the Public (that’s the parent organization of Science News for Kids). Toll says that when it comes to science, he keeps it simple: “You see a problem and say, ‘How could I solve that?’”

  4 He’s not the only one to take that approach. Many young researchers get their start by trying to solve a problem or fulfill a need in their own communities. When students dedicate themselves to finding a solution that may benefit their community, “a passion is ignited (点燃) ,” says Wendy Hawkins, executive director of the Intel Foundation, which sponsors Intel ISEF. “Finding that passion and fostering it can be the key to many students’ future success.” She says.

  A. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

  B. The enthusiasm for solving problems

  C. The young researchers’ passion

  D. An invention increasing pedal power

  E. Why people avoid biking in Pittsburgh

  F. The cause of national disaster

  23. Paragraph 1 ___E____

  24. Paragraph 2 ___D____

  25. Paragraph 3 ___B____

  26. Paragraph 4 ___C____

  27.A Pulse PEVO is powered with ___E____

  28.Toll hopes his Pulse PEVO will encourage people to ___B____

  29.A new construction beam invented by Toll weighs like ___C____

  30.Many young researchers are finding solutions to problems that may ___F____

  A. a nearly 40-degree angle

  B. get on bikes

  C. a feather pillow

  D. fix more problems

  E. a super-strong battery

  F. benefit their community

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